24 June, 2024

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 DIGGING DEEP NO 1041 – June 25, 2024

                        Examine Yourselves

                           2Corinthians 13:5



As Jeremiah lamented over the destruction of the city of Jerusalem, he called for the people to examine themselves and turn back to the Lord Lamentations 3:40-41.In teaching  on the proper observance of the Lord’s Supper, Paul wrote that it was to be a time for self-examination 1Corinthians 11:27-31 Paul later challenged the Corinthians to examine themselves as to whether they are in the faith. 2Corinthians 13:5 In doing so, he employs the present tense for the verbs “examine” and “prove” Indicating that such examination was to be an on-going activity. This should naturally raise some important questions. Why should we examine ourselves? By what standard should we examine ourselves. What sort of questions should we be asking ourselves?

Why should we examine ourselves? (1To determine whether we are in the faith.

The expression “in the faith” refers to being a faithful Christian. We are to examine whether we are remaining faithful to the Lord. We need to remember that the danger of drifting is ever present. It is possible to drift away if we neglect our salvation Hebrews 2:1-4 It is possible to develop an evil heart of unbelief  Hebrews 3:12-14

What our text implies, however, is that it is possible to know of one’s standing before God. The Bible was written for this purpose, that we might know. One book in particular has this purpose in mind 1John 5:132:33:14,24

(2) To determine if Jesus Christ is in us. Paul challenged the Corinthians to consider whether Jesus Christ was in them. That Christ indwells the Christian is a wonderful thought, it was promised by Jesus Himself –John 14:21-23 It begins when we put Christ on in baptism Galatians 3:26-27 We may wonder at times how He indwells, but the key here is to know that He does. We need to periodically examine ourselves.

(3) To determine if we are disqualified. It is given that Christ is in Christians, unless they have become disqualified. To be disqualified mean “ye be reprobates” “you fail the test” Literally, “not standing the test”, and in the context it refers to the test of being in the faith. Simply meaning the Christian has fallen out of Grace. Paul warned of falling from grace Galatians 5:4 Peter likewise warned of falling from one’s own steadfastness  2Peter 3:17 Jesus described what would happen to those branches who did not bear fruit John 15:1-2,6 Through self-examination one can know what their true condition is.

(4) To determine if we really know ourselves. As Paul calls for self-examination, he asks “Do you not know yourselves…?” We can easily fall into the trap of self-deception James 1:22-25 When this happens, the religion of such a person is useless James 1:26 it is only through periodic self-examination that we can  avoid deceiving ourselves.


By what standard should we examine ourselves? You cannot do it by the estimate of self. We cannot trust solely what we may think of ourselves. We are approved only if the Lord commends us 2Corinthians 10:18 Therefore, even though we might think we are right, we are not the final arbitrator  1Corinthians 4:4 We can be wrong in our basic assumptions, which can lead to wrong conclusions about ourselves. Paul had thought persecuting Christians was pleasing to God Act 26:9-11 There will be many people at the Judgment who thought they were pleasing God during their lifetime Matthew 7:21-23 We must therefore look for a standard outside of ourselves by which to examine ourselves.

You cannot do it by the estimate of men. We cannot compare ourselves with others or trust their approval.

To compare ourselves with others is unwise 2Corinthians 10:12 The approval of others is a small thing –1Corinthians 4:3 People are often wrong in their thoughts and evaluations. The majority will find themselves lost on the day of judgment Matthew 7:13-14 Even many religious will be surprised Matthew 7:21-23 We must still look for yet another standard by which to examine ourselves.


We must try ourselves by the standard of God’s Word.

It is the commendation of the Lord that makes one approved 2Corinthians 10:18 It is the Lord who is the ultimate Judge 1Corinthians 4:42Corinyhians 5:10 As the Lord Himself has said, we will be judged by His words John 12:48 The only appropriate standard to use when we examine ourselves is the Word of God. We cannot trust our feelings, or what others might say.



Questions to help us examine ourselves (1) Is Christ in me? (2) Have I put Him on in baptism? Galatians 3:27 (3) Am I keeping His commandments? John 14:21 (4) Are the marks of discipleship present in my life? (5) Am I abiding in His word? John 8:31 (6) Do I love my brethren like Christ loved me? John 13:34-351John 3:14-19 (7) Am I bearing fruit John 15:8, such as the fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23, such as the fruit of my lips in praising God 7-11,  such as the fruit of good works Titus 2:143:8,14

Do I have the attitude of those who were true disciples in the scripture? Under inspiration, Paul wrote 2Corinthians 13:6; what was his frame of mind? We can glean the mind of a true disciple from Philippians 3:7-14. Verses 7-11 tells us of his goal in life. What is your spiritual goal?

We read of his attitudes in attaining that goal 12-14 We will ALL have this frame of mind if we are in the faith and Christ is In us. Philippians 3:15-17



Let us consider the sad plight of those who are reprobates, disqualified, who fail the test…Paul describes some of them in  Philippians 3:18-19 Because they set their mind on earthly things, their end is destruction. How much better to be like those described in Philippians 3:20-21.

To ensure that we will not be disqualified, then frequently “Examine Yourselves” in the light of God’s Word!

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