10 June, 2024

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DIGGING DEEP NO. 1039 June 11, 2024

Do You Believe?????

Romans 10:8-10; Hebrews 11:6



Belief is a central theme throughout the Bible, God calls us to have faith and trust in Him.

Let’s explore the importance of belief in our relationship with God and how it affects our lives daily.

Salvation: John 3:16 – Belief in Jesus Christ is essential for salvation; it is through belief in Him that we receive the gift of eternal life. To believe is more than to agree, you really, and really must believe. Do you believe?

Faith: The foundation of our relationship with God. Believing in His promises and power is essential, that’s how we acknowledge God’s existence in our lives.  Do You Believe? To truly believe is to trust that God hears and answers, even if we don’t see immediate results. Faith involves a confident assurance in God’s character and His word. Mathew 16:18-19.  Do you trust, Prov 3:5-6, Mark 11:24.  Whatever you ask, remember not your will but His will!!!!!

Financial: Do you believe God will meet your financial needs? Phil 4:19 reassures us that God’s provision is abundant and sufficient. Prov 10:22, Psalm 23. Financial prosperity is a blessing that comes from loving and serving God Job 36:11. Financial faith means trusting God with our resources, believing He will supply all our needs, and being good stewards of what He has given us.  Each of us will give an account of ourselves to God. Romans 14:12.

Experiencing God’s power: Belief allows us to experience the power of God in our lives. It opens the door to the miraculous and the extraordinary Mark 9:23. Belief provides us with guidance and direction. Psalm 32:8.

Helps our emotions: Gives us Comfort and peace Phil 4:6-7. Imagine not worrying about anything, and believing that you can really do all things?  Philippians 4:13 As believers, we have the power we need and courage to face difficult situations. The question is do you believe? It also brings peace and comfort especially in times of trouble and uncertainty John 14:27 It reassures us that God has a plan for our lives that is good. Jeremiah 29:11

Community: Jesus sent us The Holy Spirit so that in our belief in Matthew 18:20 When 2 or more believers with the Holy Spirit agree on anything, its more powerful than thousands agreeing. It teaches us to love as God loves, fostering healthy and meaningful relationships. 1 John 4:7

Things to help our belief:  Daily devotion, spending time in prayer and reading the Bible daily to strengthen your belief and relationship with God Romans 10:17.

Trusting God in decisions, seeking His guidance and trusting His plan James 1:5.

Sharing your faith with others because of everything happening in your life. Mathew 28:19-20. Live out your belief, let your actions reflect your belief in God. James 2:17

Conclusion: Belief is not just a concept but a transformative force that shapes every aspect of our lives, deepening our relationship with God and influencing our daily actions and interactions. By understanding and embracing the power of belief, we can live more purposeful, fulfilled and impactful lives.


Question: How does the thief on the cross fit the idea of the believer?

No mention of baptism, confirmation, speaking in tongue, church goer, prayerful

All he did was believe, recognized Jesus as Messiah and boom he was with Jesus in paradise. Luke 23:36-43

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